Friday, November 10, 2006


October meeting notes

Mo brought along a rough, but didn't want it put on the blog (ditto
Erica) - they will follow. Mo may do more of a abstract/colour thing a
la Malcolm; this would hang together quite well as the two '...'
appear at about on-third and two-thirds of the way through the book.
Ferial gave a colour image and a text passage and will work on her
spread after a few burdensome tasks have been cleared from her In-tray
(not sure if she has one, but it sounds good). Malcolm had generated
more colour paintings on newsprint and will work with colour
photocopied reductions to rough out his spread layout. I'm attaching
another of my (potential) equine panels. Angela is exploring a
knitted/applique approach and will soon have something for the blog, I
think. The general feeling of several attendees was that we will need
to set a deadline for the handing-in of work. I'd like everyone to
agree on this by the next meeting, can I suggest end of January or end
of February? This will give us all something to work towards and avoid
our project just drifting. Incidentally, I brought along a new book
called 'Art out of time' by Dan Nadel. It's a fine collection of
'unknown' comic art by American contributors to the Sunday comic
sections of newspapers from 1900 onwards. You can get this from Suffolk
Libraries and it shows in colour how bold and imaginitive comics can
be; Nadel has rescued these 'disposable' bits of entertainment from

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